Blue triangle butterfly


                                                                                     PROVING SYMPTOMS - BODY



Slight dizzy feeling in head.

02, 6c, 00:00:05


Very dizzy, heavy feeling across front of head, though still able to concentrate and study.

02, 6c, 00:00:36

Dizzy and faint feeling.

08, 30c, 00:01:00 (day 3)

Light headed and dizzy.  Hot and cold.

11, 30c, 02, 03:xx:xx

light headache with light headedness, and ache in shoulders.

09, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Light headed after a glass of wine, which is quite unusual for me.

10, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Felt instantly tipsy after a glass of wine with lunch, very unusual.

10, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Felt like I could fall over, with a strange feeling in ears, stomach churning and sickly and felt like going to pass out.

08, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Stomach swimmy, feel unbalanced, like I would fall over even though I am laying on the bed.

08, 30c, 00:00:15 (day 3)

Body feels weak and wobbly, feel that if I stood up I wouldn’t have the strength to stay up but would fall down (not swimmy though).

08, 30c, 00:00:25 (day 3)


Itching, of scalp

My scalp was itchy and burning before remedy, feels better now.

10, 30c, 00:07:00

Pain, morning, on waking

Headache on waking and through the day.  Throbbing frontal headache in early morning, subsided to an ache on getting up.

03, 200c, 10:xx:xx

Wake with headache, front around eye, right side, forehead.  Dull ache in bones, moves a bit, glides around and comes and goes.  < when tuned into it.  Headache with snuffly, sinus stuff.

03, 200c, 12, 14, 15:xx:xx

Bit headachey in mornings on waking.  Ache in forehead, which moves around in the forehead, like a deep tiredness headache.  Would come and go, fleeting moments of it, changeable.

03, 200c, 26:xx:xx

Slight headache in morning on waking, rarely have them.  Relieved by relaxation and meditation.

04, 200c, 05, 08:xx:xx

Woke with a slight headache, which lasted 10 minutes – frontal, right side ache from neck.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Headache in temples and brow on waking.  Realised I have headaches on waking quite often, used to them.

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Lots of sensation in head on waking at 4.15am, in occipital and temporal regions, pins and needles and a light squeezing, lifting sensation going right up to the crown.  Seems to be taking pressure from the ears and I relax and fall asleep again.  Like a restricted flow has been opened up and energy is going up to head again, as if space has been created.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Slight headache in morning. Light headed and dizzy

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Pain with flu symptoms.

General sensation as if coming down with a full head cold.

01, 6c, 00:00:01

Frontal headache with flu symptoms.

03, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Headache with snuffly, sinus stuff.

03, 200c, 12, 14, 15:xx:xx

Slight headache with flu symptoms, heavy chest and dry cough.  Fuzzy headed.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Heaviness in head and shoulders, like an achey flu coming on, bit of a headache.

09, 30c, 00:00:10 (2nd dose)

Felt very heady on waking, felt I was coming down with something, and feel tired.

10, 30c, 14:xx:xx

Slight flu-type headache with tired eyes.

11, 30c, 00:01:00

I am feeling sick.  I have a blasting headache, my ear, eye and jaw at the right side are sensitive as if blocked by pressure from within.

11, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Headache with pain in bridge of nose.

11, 30c, 01:02:15

Headache with no energy.

11, 30c, 01:05:00

Head congested, with runny nose, swollen throat.

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Pain, frontal

Frontal headache.  A different pressure in my head as if it was blowing up a little bit, an expanding pressure.  Headache probably more on the right side at the top, frontal, usually have them a long time, this seemed more temporary than usual (1-2hours). 

03, 200c, 00:06:00

Headache, aching, front of head, a moving in my forehead, comes and goes.

03, 200c, 03:xx:xx

Frontal headache with flu symptoms.

03, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Throbbing frontal headache in early morning, subsided on getting up to an ache.

03, 200c, 10:xx:xx

Bit headachey in mornings on waking.  Ache in forehead, which moves around in the forehead, like a deep tiredness headache.  Would come and go, fleeting moments of it, changeable.

03, 200c, 26:xx:xx

Woke with a slight frontal headache, which lasted 10 minutes – right side ache from neck.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Pain, temples

Headache in temples and brow on waking.

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Headache in temples and brow like a mask dropping over face and gripping, and feel quite sickly.  (os?)

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Slight headache in temple from neck.

08, 30c, 08:xx:xx

Pain, left side

Heavy, pressure sensation in left side of head, neck and eye.  Constriction around left eye, temple and left neck.  Followed by some warmth in these areas 5 minutes later.

02, 6c, 00:00:15

Slight pounding pain in upper left side of neck behind ear- and into left sinus.  Headache on left hand side over temple, eye and sinus. Felt sick in stomach. Worse as night progressed. Gone in morning. (I have suffered from these migraine headaches but they usually start on the right hand side neck behind ear and go to right temple).

02, 6c, 00:00:25

Tension in left side of head, and left side of neck like needles or little knives in neck.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Foggy left side of head.

11, 30c, 03:xx:xx


Before remedy, I had woken this morning with a dull, pressing headache in neck, from lifting and dehydration, < movement.  5 minutes after taking the remedy, this headache moved from the neck to the top of my head, like a skullcap.  It’s a dull ache, coming and going in intensity of discomfort.  Every minute or so for about four minutes it goes down to the temples for about 2 seconds.

01, 6c, 00:00:05

Headache much improved after sleep.  There doesn’t seem to be pain in one particular part or area of my head, it’s just a general dull ache everywhere.

01, 6c, 00:02:15

Heavy, pressure sensation in left side of head, neck and eye.  Constriction around left eye, temple and left neck.  Followed by some warmth in these areas 5 minutes later.

02, 6c, 00:00:15

Frontal headache.  A different pressure in my head as if it was blowing up a little bit, an expanding pressure.  Headache probably more on the right side at the top, frontal, usually have them a long time, this seemed more temporary than usual (1-2hours). 

03, 200c, 00:06:00

Heat radiating from base of skull around to temples and towards forehead, like a light pressure.

08, 30c, 00:00:30

Pressure at each temple, going across face diagonally to nasal passage.

08, 30c, 00:00:55

Lots of sensation in head on waking at 4.15am, in occipital and temporal regions, pins and needles and a light squeezing, lifting sensation going right up to the crown.  Seems to be taking pressure from the ears and I relax and fall asleep again.  Like a restricted flow has been opened up and energy is going up to head again, as if space has been created.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

On rising from bed, had a feeling of a band of pressure on my forehead, very quickly gone.

10, 30c, 00:14:50

As soon as eyes open after meditation, feel a pressure in my head, a full of air sensation, airy and full headed.

10, 30c, 14:xx:xx

Feeling of band around the head.

11, 30c, 00:11:15

Headache like band around head.

11, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Headache, light headed,

Slight headache with light headedness, and ache in shoulders.

09, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Light headed and dizzy, with slight headache in morning.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Headache with nausea, sick feeling.

Slight pounding pain in upper left side of neck behind ear- and into left sinus

Headache on left hand side over temple, eye and sinus. Felt sick in stomach. Worse as night progressed. Gone in morning. (I have suffered from these migraine headaches but they usually start on the right hand side neck behind ear and go to right temple).

02, 6c, 00:00:25

Headache in temples and brow, and feel quite sickly. 

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Prickling, pins and needles

Sensation like pins and needles at base of skull, temples and parietals.

08, 30c, xx :xx:xx

Pins and needles in occipital and temporal region.

08, 30c, 01, 02, 06:xx:xx

Itchy pins and needles feeling in back of skull going up to crown, pulling up.  Like I want to scratch.

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx



Heavy pressure and constriction around left eye and temple, and left neck.  Followed by some warmth.

02, 6c, 00:00:15

Couldn’t open eyes in morning on waking.  Like someone had put something heavy on my eyelids, I was wide awake but my eyes weren’t.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Eyes heavy on waking.

11, 30c, 03:xx:xx


Eyes itchy.

03, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Left eye itchy.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Left eye bloodshot and slightly itchy.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Itchy, watery eyes.

11, 30c, 08:xx:xx


Eyes glassy, with flu, allergy symptoms.

03, 200c, 08:xx:xx

Eyes filled with tears as if wanted to cry.

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Watery, tired eyes with flu symptoms.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Left eye dribbling.

11, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Movements, twitching

Twitch in corner of left eye, across bridge of nose from about 9.30pm.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx (first time)

Eyebrow jumping at night.  Woke in night with left eye twitch going crazy, went all night.

06, 1M, 03:xx:xx (first time)


Sore, burning, stinging eyes especially when open, during constant coughing.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Sharp, periodic stabbing pain in left eye.

08, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Eyes and forehead congested with cold symptoms.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Tired eyes with slight headache.

11, 30c, 00:01:00


Eyes light sensitive.  Very sensitive to sunlight.

01, 6c, 00:00:15

Eyes strained and squinty, a bit light strained.  More wanting to wear sunglasses even in the house sometimes.

03, 200c, 15:xx:xx

Left eye

Heavy pressure and constriction around left eye and temple, and left neck.  Followed by some warmth.

02, 6c, 00:00:15


Twitch in corner of left eye, across bridge of nose from about 9.30pm.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx (first time)

Eyebrow jumping at night.  Woke in night with left eye twitch going crazy, went all night.

06, 1M, 03:xx:xx (first time)

Sharp, periodic stabbing pain in left eye.

08, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Left eye bloodshot and slightly itchy.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Left eye dribbling.

11, 30c, 11:xx:xx


Eyes light sensitive.  Very sensitive to sunlight.

01, 6c, 00:01:15

Woke up with senses heightened.  Eyesight and hearing seem to have such clarity, there’s a focus and awareness with everything I look at.

01, 6c, 00:03:50

My eyes are a little light sensitive.  I don’t feel they are moving sharply and clearly.  Not seeing things so clearly when driving, not processing what things are properly.

01, 6c, 01:xx:xx

Several times today I was looking for something only to have someone point out that it was right in front of my eyes and I had been looking past it.

04, 200c, 05:xx:xx

New glasses seem too strong, made vision funny.  Looking at setting board and it was bent like an arch with the middle closest to me, and everything looks smaller, couldn’t reach out to things properly.

06, 1M, 00:05:00

The camera lens gives a double image, can’t focus it properly.  And glasses feel too close and bend the image.

06, 1M, 01:xx:xx


Heavy prickling in ears, throat and sinus.

01, 6c, 00:00:01

Noises in,

Tinnitis is gentler than usual, a pulsing like a train with its horn on going in and out of tunnels – loud and soft.  Before remedy, tinnitus was more like an internet connection – harsher and louder.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx

Tinnitis calming down, gentle high pitched ringing.

06, 1M, 05:xx:xx

Tinnitis like a distant train, in morning on waking, or on waking during night, calms down during day.

06, 1M, 20:xx:xx

Tinnitis has a high pitched ring, as well as a lower wavering ring.

06, 1M, 21:xx:xx

Tinnitis in left ear bad, during flu.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Tinnitis bad in left ear, like a jet plane.  Some throbbing pain in right ear for a short time.

06, 1M, 27:xx:xx

Tinnitis always worse in mornings before getting up, annoys me.  Right ear is a high pitched steady whistle.  Left ear alternates between high pitched and low tones.

06, 1M, 28:xx:xx

Thudding, cracking in left ear, feeling of dizziness, faintness like I’m going to pass out.

08, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Both ears ringing, usually it is only my right ear ringing, but now it is both. A high pitched ring like a buzzing, and occasionally a lower throb underneath it, 9.30pm.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Pain in, left ear

Pain in left ear, sharp, periodic stabbing pain.

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Itchy left eardrum.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Sensation like a balancing between the ears, before mainly had right sided ear stuff, now a balance between the two.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Deep radiating ache in left ear coming from jaw and lower molars.

10, 30c, 00:14:15

Left ear aching like crazy, with flu.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Pain in,

Throbbing pain up side of neck to ear on right side.

08, 30c, 00:00:25

Earache between ears and throat.

08, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Both ears are aching deep inside, and the back of throat, the three are linked.  Earache in both ears that lasts all day, like having a headache in the ears.

08, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Earache in both ears on waking at 4.15am, affected by cold air.  Both ears really sore like a headache deep in the ears, in the eardrum.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Ears throbbing, thought it may come from the throat.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx



Woke with senses heightened, hearing very sensitive, and a clarity to hearing.

01, 6c, 00:03:50

Acute, noises, to,

Noises are irritating, especially loud, repetitive, unnecessary noises, dull thudding.  I can’t understand why people don’t see how annoying these noises are.  I feel very much as though I want to be left alone.  Every time there’s a noise from the neighbours, I tense up thinking its someone coming to visit me, very antisocial.

01, 6c, 00:01:15

Woke to dull thudding music.  Very sensitive to dull, thudding sounds, they are like an ache.

01, 6c, 01:xx:xx

Brought CD player to put under pillow at night to drown out snoring husband, when I wake I can’t get back to sleep from the noise of him snoring, and get anxious and angry. 

 (Note from supervisor:  As she is telling me this, 2-3 magpies had entered my house and started singing so loudly I couldn’t hear her talking on the phone!)

02, 6c, 00:02:00


On waking, my nose felt sharp and angular as I touched it, in fact my whole face felt like this, but my nose more so.

01, 6c, 00:01:05


Within one minute I notice some mucous release from my sinuses down back of throat even though I have no cold.

01, 6c, 00:00:01


Nose feels very clear and I can breathe easily through it now.  Slight heaviness in sinuses.

01, 6c, 00:00:05

Discharge, runny

Nose running clear, wasn’t blocked like it normally is.

03, 200c, 00:06:00

Nose blocked, then runny.

03, 200c, 02:xx:xx

Slightly sniffy in evening, though I do not have a blocked nose or throat and can breathe relaxedly. 

04, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Nose runny, clear mucous, with shivery cold, flu and nausea.

06, 1M, 00:10:00

Nose runny, clear mucous

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Left nostril runny.

08, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Nose clear, then in the late afternoon, suddenly needed to start blowing nose as if going to get a cold, but only lasted 5 minutes.

08, 30c, 08:xx:xx

Clearing nasal passages today, they felt much clearer.

08, 30c, 10:xx:xx

Nasal drip again.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Runny nose with sore throat and tickly cough.

10, 30c, 28:xx:xx

Mucousy, snotty nose and throat.

11, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Snotty head and dribbly nose.

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx


Nasal passages red as if I have a cold, but no cold.

08, 30c, 05:xx:xx

Felt like I was getting a cold, and my nostrils are red at the edges like I’ve had a cold.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx


Itchy nose and throat half an hour after dinner.  Runny nose after dinner.

06, 1M, 28:xx:xx


Stuffy nose, difficult to breathe through, no mucous, dry feeling.

06, 1M, 00:01:25

Stuffy nose all day, difficult to breathe through

06, 1M, 04:xx:xx

Nose dry, stuffy.

06, 1M, 13:xx:xx


Right nostril blocked on waking at night for a number of days.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Nose blocked, with cough, painful chest, and swollen throat.

06, 1M, 27:xx:xx

Nose cleared, breathing easier through the nose.

08, 30c, 00:00:15

Woke with cold.  Eyes and forehead congested.  Watery tired eyes.  Face swollen on left side, left nostril blocked, teeth ached on left side.  Glands up on both sides, though worse on left side, and left ear aching like crazy.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Left nostril blocked with flu.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Nose running clear, wasn’t blocked like it normally is.

03, 200c, 00:06:00

Nose blocked, then runny.

03, 200c, 02:xx:xx

Really fluey.  Sneezing.  Sniffly, blocked and runny nose.

03, 200c, 06:xx:xx


Pain in bridge of nose, with headache.

11, 30c, 01:02:15


Sneezed four times immediately after remedy, with sensation as if coming down with a full head cold.

01, 6c, 00:00:02

Three sneezes.

01, 6c, 00:06:35

Sneezing and flu in head.  Blocked nose.

03, 200c, 05:xx:xx

Nasal passages irritated from deep inside, like something wanted to find a way out, want to sneeze but can’t.

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Violent sneezing and irritated nasal passages on waking.  Clear nasal drip for 5 minutes, then it stopped.

08, 30c, 10:xx:xx

4.05am, loud sneezing, raw throat, and have to blow nose to clear sinuses, catarrh in throat.

08, 30c, 15:xx:xx

Sneezing a lot.  Cold started, no runny nose, still have good energy though.

10, 30c, 25:xx:xx

Woke sneezing.

11, 30c, 01:xx:xx; 02:xx:xx; 03:xx:xx

Lots of sneezing with sore jaw and throat.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Sneeze attack, sneezed 20 times.

11, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Woke sneezing my head off. 

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Woke sneezing again, though less than yesterday.  Still snotty but throat better.

11, 30c, 09:xx:xx


Face feels sharp and angular, especially nose, on waking.

01, 6c, 00:01:05

Skin on cheeks rough and red, tiny bit on forehead too, cheeks had a pink glow – from ‘placental plus’ (sheeps placenta) or petrol.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Face swollen on left side, and forehead congested, with flu symptoms.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Dull pain on right side of face, especially around ear area and top of nose.  Like a pressure pushing outwards behind eye, ear and jaw, as if energy was stuck there but couldn’t come out.

11, 30c, 00:10:45

Lower jaw and lower molars aching, a deep, radiating ache on left side, radiating up into left ear.

10, 30c, 00:14:15

Dull pressure pain in jaw, inside the joints.

11, 30c, 00:11:15

Heavy, tired feeling in jaw, with sore throat, sneezing and hot flush.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx



Woke 12.45am with mouth so dry, tongue stuck to top of mouth and felt I wanted to be sick.

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Mouth less dry, quite moist.

08, 30c, 00:00:25

Mouth dry again.

08, 30c, 00:00:55

Woke at 2am with very dry mouth and thirst.  Still dry in morning.

08, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Roof of mouth at the back dry.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx


Top and bottom molars on the left side feel sore.  I feel it is from the sinus nerve running near them.

01, 6c, 00:01:15

Lower jaw and lower molars aching, a deep, radiating ache on left side, radiating up into left ear.

10, 30c, 00:14:15

Teeth sensitive on right side front upper and lower.  Sensitive to salty foods (chips and cashews), whereas usually only sensitive to sweets.  Pain only immediately after eating, feels like an exposed nerve.

06, 1M, 16:xx:xx

Teeth ached on left side, with flu.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx



Catarrh in throat, like I’m getting a cold, drinking lots of water.

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Woke with catarrh in throat, felt I was choking, and stomach wanted to get rid of it and be sick.  Clearing back of throat.

08, 30c, 08:xx:xx


Constriction in chest and throat, couldn’t talk for a few seconds, shivery but not with cold.

06, 1M, 09:xx:xx

Sensation in throat coming from the top of chest area, like a constriction, like something is there that wants to come up but can’t.

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Feels as though something is stuck in throat, like I needed to push something through, want to swallow all the time.  Worse on the left side.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx


Throat and roof of mouth at back very dry.  Drinking water doesn’t help it.  Raw sore feeling in throat that makes it dry.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Throat dry, yet saliva in mouth, and swallowing a great deal.  Feel like a cold is starting but doesn’t fully take hold.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx


Dry, itchy throat on roof of mouth behind tongue, causing constant cough.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Itchy nose and throat half an hour after dinner.

06, 1M, 28:xx:xx

Pain, sore, raw, burning

Heavy prickling in throat, sinus and ears.  Throat starts to feel a little rough as though I’m about to get a sore throat.  This sensation doesn’t last too long.  I have the general sensation of possibly coming down with a full head cold.

01, 6c, 00:00:01

Dry, tender, sore throat.

03, 200c, 01:xx:xx

Dry, sore throat, with flu and tiredness.

03, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Sore throat for last two weeks, better after a big cry.

03, 200c, 24:xx:xx

Sore throat, raised lumps behind tongue.  Dry, burning, painful to swallow.

06, 1M, 15:xx:xx (first time)

Reflux of acid in throat.

06, 1M, 04:xx:xx (first time)

Woke with sore, raw, swollen throat, difficult to swallow.

06, 1M, 04:xx:xx; 09:xx:xx

Slight sore, dry throat on swallowing.

06, 1M, 11:xx:xx

Back of throat feels raw and sore and feels like its coming up from the stomach.  Like I had eaten sawdust.  Like the start of a cold when throat is sensitive, not red raw but feels too open at the throat, and then more constricted a bit lower.  Sore throat is connected to the stomach.

08, 30c, 00:00:20 (day 3)

Raw throat on waking at 1.40am, with cold, clammy sweat.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Throat achey, sore and rough on left hand side.

08, 30c, 09, 10:xx:xx

Touch of an irritated sore throat.  Woke feeling like getting the flu, but better as day progressed.  With croaky voice and throat.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx

Sore throat, tickly cough, runny nose and flu.

10, 30c, 28:xx:xx

Throat ache strong now, burning around glottis (had a slight throat ache before remedy, but now is much worse after remedy). < swallowing, mainly on left side.

11, 30c, 00:08:00

Throat burning, swollen.  Thirsty.  < night.

11, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Sore, burning, fiery throat and jaw, with sneezing.

11, 30c, 02, 03:xx:xx

Burning throat became whole throat, moved to both sides, was worse on left before.

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Swallowing difficult

Difficult to swallow with sore, raw, swollen throat.

06, 1M, 04, 09:xx:xx


Sore throat, feels swollen and raw, hard to swallow, like I’m getting sick, got cold yesterday.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Throat swollen, with painful chest, blocked nose.

06, 1M, 27:xx:xx

Sore, raw, swollen throat on waking, hard to swallow.

06, 1M, 28:xx:xx

Throat ache, blocked and swollen throat in morning.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Pain, shooting

Wake at 1.30am with pain in throat on left side going up to left ear, a sharp pain that shoots upwards to ear.

08, 30c, 05:xx:xx

Pain extending to and from,

Pain in right side of neck and shoulder extending into the throat.

08, 30c, 00:01:00 (day 3)


Aching in throat, linked to the ache in ears.

08, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Feel as though my throat is causing my earache.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Back of neck aching extending to throat.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Feeling of a lump in throat, burning sensation on left side, radiates to centre of throat and down an inch or so.  Have to eat to get rid of it, eating relieves it for awhile but then returns.  With flu symptoms.  With left sided earache, a deep ache that had to keep rubbing.

I took the remedy for these symptoms, and within 10 minutes they were gone.

10, 30c, xx:xx:xx  (after proving)

Throat < milk, really mucousy, milk feels toxic.

10, 30c, xx:xx:xx (after remedy, 20/9/05)



Swelling, glands,

Throat glands up on both sides, though worse on left side, with flu. 

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Throat ache, lymph nodes on left side of neck swollen, with snotty head and dribbly nose.

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx



Sudden anxious feeling in stomach, and body started to feel really bad.

08, 30c, 12:xx:xx

Anxious and overwhelmed feeling in my belly, doesn’t feel good.

10, 30c, 15:xx:xx

Feel anxious and knotted up in belly.

10, 30c, 17:xx:xx

Appetite, increased,

Good appetite during proving, ate well.

04, 200c, xx:xx:xx

Hunger pangs like I could eat a horse.  Gurgly feeling, noisy tummy, normally only get it when exercising a lot, but haven’t.

06, 1M, 06:xx:xx (first time)

Gurgling in stomach and hungry sensation, but not hungry at the same time, and uncomfortable in stomach, 7.30pm.

06, 1M, 00:02:00

Craving more food than usual.

06, 1M, 13:xx:xx

Started getting rumbly, gurgly tummy to tell me when I’m hungry (normally just go into low blood sugar and agitation, no hunger signals before).

06, 1M, 13:xx:xx

Woke in night with my appetite back and ate, very acid stomach with stuffy nose.

06, 1M, 14:xx:xx

Big appetite lately, eating lots more than usual.

06, 1M, 31:xx:xx

Felt like something really substantial for breakfast, had eggs.

10, 30c, 00:01:15

Eating more than usual.  Still eating fruit rather than sweets.

10, 30c, 01, 02:xx:xx

Very hungry after lunch, needed more.  Sweet cravings and great hunger.

10, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Don’t feel like overeating like I normally do.

03, 200c, 01:xx:xx

Appetite, capricious,

I’m feeling very hungry but there’s nothing I really feel like except maybe toasted cheese sandwich.

01, 6c, 00:01:15

Strange desire for food, a prowling, wanting something but can’t seem to have anything that reaches the spot that needs it.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Appetite, decreased

Felt more robust, could continue working through hunger and didn’t get the low blood sugar effects.

06, 1M, 01:xx:xx

Feel as though what’s going on in my tummy affects my appetite, feel a bit less hungry and ambivalent about food.  Stomach very variable at the moment.  Uncomfortable after food.

06, 1M, 15:xx:xx

Lost my appetite.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx


The thought of some foods, ie. Avocado, salt, pancake, fruit toast, mayonnaise, makes me feel sick in the stomach.

06, 1M, 03:xx:xx (first time)

The thought and taste of avocados made me nauseous, lost all my appetite.  Usually love avocados.

06, 1M, 13:xx:xx


Nothing I really feel like except maybe toasted cheese. Feeling much better after some toasted cheese.  > warm food.

01, 6c, 00:01:15

Desired dairy food.  Drank a couple of glasses of cows milk (usually only drink rice milk).

01, 6c, 00:02:15

Had a craving for anzac biscuits, so I’ve baked some.  They were the only thing I wanted.

01, 6c, 00:07:15

Craving ice cream.

03, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Found myself wanting lots of fruit, green barley, and cheese and bread.

08, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Craving juicy ripe apples, searching out local apples.

08, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Craving butter, cheese and bread.

08, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Desire for sweets and cheese.

08, 30c, 10:xx:xx

Normally crave sweets in the afternoon, but I haven’t today.

10, 30c, 00:08:00

Had apples, almost a craving for them.  I am consciously eating fruit rather than sweets in the afternoon.

10, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Crave sweets, with restlessness.

11, 30c, 01:12:10


Lots of belching.

06, 1M, 00:04:30

Funny burps, like air stuck in stomach, feel a bit acidic, hurts a bit, never had it before.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx (first time)

Acid reflux in oesophagus, feels painful, indigestion feeling, burping often.

06, 1M, 08:xx:xx (first time)

Difficulty burping with my cough.  Air gets caught in oesophagus.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Belching for the last ten minutes, big belches, from tummy and heart.

08, 30c, 00:00:40

Belching and upset stomach, causing a sore raw throat. Complaining sensation in stomach that comes up to throat.

08, 30c, 00:00:20 (day 3)

Almost continual belching, coming from chest.

08, 30c, 00:00:25 (day 3)

Belching 1.30am.

08, 30c, 05:xx:xx

Constant burping, had to sit up wanting to burp.  Burps tasting of pizza from dinner.

09, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Many burps.

11, 30c, 01:02:15

Some burps in morning.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Fullness, sensation of

Bloated in tummy.

03, 200c, 15:xx:xx

Full stomach after dinner, felt bloated.

06, 1M, 03:xx:xx

Stomach uncomfortable after dinner, feels too full.

06, 1M, 16:xx:xx

Bloated abdomen, gassy, reflux, wanting to vomit but couldn’t, heartburn.

09, 30c, 01:xx:xx


Gurgly feeling, noisy tummy, normally only get it when exercising a lot, but haven’t.

06, 1M, 06:xx:xx (first time)

Gurgling, hungry sensation in stomach, but not hungry at the same time, and uncomfortable in stomach, 7.30pm.

06, 1M, 00:02:00

Rumbling tummy one hour after dinner, rumbly tummy even when full.  More rumbling and grumbling than usual.

06, 1M, 13:xx:xx

Stomach gurgling a lot.  Lots of gurgling and churning in intestines.

06, 1M, 23, 24:xx:xx

Stomach making noises, and started belching again.

08, 30c, 00:00:10 (day 3)

Heaviness, after eating

Eaten bread, butter and cheese and feel very heavy from it, not good.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx


Slight bloating, aching indigestion type feeling in stomach after eating for last two days.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx (first time)

Woke in night with acid stomach.

06, 1M, 07:xx:xx (first time)

Excessive acid stomach after dinner, indigestive feeling.

06, 1M, 10, 11, 12, 31:xx:xx

Bloated abdomen, gassy, reflux, wanting to vomit but couldn’t, heartburn.

09, 30c, 01:xx:xx


Felt sick in stomach with headache.

02, 6c, 00:00:25

Slightly nauseated in tummy.  Tummy feels more sensitive and fuller.

03, 200c, 00:00:05

Nausea in tummy with flu symptoms.

03, 200c, 08:xx:xx

Feel sick in stomach, slightly nauseous, no appetite, with feeling like getting a temperature, shivery and cold.

06, 1M, 00:01:00


Nausea in mid stomach, comes and goes, and a bit of an uncomfortable feeling in stomach when nausea isn’t there. 

06, 1M, 00:02:00

Nausea, tummy churning and painful, almost a hunger, but a hurting hunger.

06, 1M, 00:04:00

Nausea in tummy, very slight cramping in upper stomach and no hunger for 40 minutes.

06, 1M, 00:00:20

Nausea again in the night.

06, 1M, 14:xx:xx

Nausea, churning stomach, with flu symptoms.  No appetite.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Nervous, queasy feeling in stomach.  Then some indigestion.

08, 30c, 00:00:30

Stomach feeling swimmy, felt unbalanced like I would fall over even though I’m laying in bed.  Feeling slightly sick.

08, 30c, 00:00:15 (day 3)

Stomach churning as if it is being kneaded like dough on the inside.

08, 30c, 00:00:20 (day 3)

Sickly in stomach as if I want to be sick, with headache.

08, 30c, 00:00:25 (day 3)

Had a quick time of feeling nauseous, but it didn’t last long.

10, 30c, 01:01:00

Nausea in stomach, which rises up to the head and then get a hot flush.

11, 30c, 01:12:10

Nausea, after eating,

Felt sick after eating.  Smell or even the thought of food made it worse.

06, 1M, 03:xx:xx (first time)

Queasy after eating.  Couldn’t eat much.  The thought of some foods, ie. Avocado, salt, pancake, fruit toast, mayonnaise, makes me feel sick in the stomach.

06, 1M, 03:xx:xx (first time)

Can’t eat, except fruit, even soy milk makes me feel unwell.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx (first time)

Felt sick after dinner, like I wanted to vomit.  No appetite after dinner, nausea from eating.

06, 1M, 04:xx:xx

The thought, smell and taste of mayonnaise makes me nauseous.

06, 1M, 04:xx:xx

Slight nausea, sick in tummy during dinner, bloatedness, avocados make me sick, lost appetite.

06, 1M, 14:xx:xx

Slight nausea and pain in stomach.  Cramping in stomach after food leading to diarrhoea.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx


Woke with dull aching stomach pain below breastbone, which continued all day, got a bit better in the afternoon, and then worse again after dinner.

06, 1M, 15:xx:xx

Slight pain in stomach after dinner, and slightly sick in tummy feeling.

06, 1M, 17:xx:xx

Stomach sore with loose bowels.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Uncomfortable sensation,

Brief, uncomfortable feeling when I’ve swallowed food.  It feels like its pushing its way down and forcing open my gullet, from around the sternum down about 3-4 inches.

01, 6c, 00:02:xx

Uncomfortable feeling in stomach when nausea isn’t there, and no appetite.

06, 1M, 00:02:00

Vomiting, retching,

Midnight, retching and vomiting.  Intense nausea, wanting to vomit, but body not vomiting for me, so sticking fingers down throat to vomit.  One spontaneous vomit that came so quickly it surprised me.  Very liquidy vomit over and over, feverish, chilly though hot to touch.  Very restless, couldn’t find a comfortable position or mindspace, all muscles sore and feverish, agitated just wanted to keep moving.  (Eventually took Ars alb 30, quieted down and went to sleep, and ended proving.)

06, 1M, 00:04:30

All night, gas, bloated abdomen, constant burping, reflux, wanting to vomit, had to keep sitting up wanting to burp, heartburn.  Barely got any sleep.  Tried to vomit but couldn’t.

09, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Very plain dinner, after all night retching, but started getting symptoms again about an hour after dinner.  Took antacids (Gaviscon) which settled it down (and ended proving).

09, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Woke 2am and vomited up catarrh, with heavy feeling in chest.

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Slight vomit from catarrh in throat and choking feeling.

08, 30c, 08:xx:xx


Feeling like a surging coming up from belly area to under my ribcage.  Feel as if my body is being bounced all over the bed.

08, 30c, 00:00:25 (day 3)

Crying from pit of stomach.

08, 30c, 03:xx:xx


Bowels and lower abdomen relax as I cry about the abuse in my past.

08, 30c, 00:00:02 (day 3)

I feel different around the belly area, it feels flatter and less full than usual.  I don’t feel so fat.  Usually feels full and congested around the bladder line.  I’m not eating less but I feel less fat.

10, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Pain, aching, dull

Became aware of a slight, but persistent pain in my left lower gut / groin area this last hour (12. 45am).  An aching, scrunching sort of pain.  Am a little worried about it, as it is so persistent.

04, 200c, 02:xx:xx

Slight pain in my left side now generalised.  Don’t notice it when sitting, just when getting up. 

04, 200c, 11:xx:xx

Slight dull ache in intestines, similar to old grumbling appendix pain I once had, pain after food.

06, 1M, 15:xx:xx

Woke at 4.15am to screaming baby, and realised I had a moderate dull ache in intestines that kept me awake, and lightly sleeping until daylight.  Bloated feeling.  Dreamt of liver tumours and stomach cancer.

06, 1M, 15:xx:xx

Pain, diarrhoea, as if, would come on

Slight bellyache, diarrhoea type pain and had to go to toilet.  Felt a bit uncomfortable for about 15-20 minutes after, but then fine.

10, 30c, 00:07:00

Pain, pulsation,

Strange sensation in lower belly as if pressing, pulsing, and extending up centre to the throat.

08, 30c, 00:00:20 (day 3)

Slight discomfort and unease in my left side gut.  Nagging, sharpish pain, burning, pulsing, located in a small area. 

04, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Pain, shooting, twisting

Severe abdominal pain, lasting a minute, in lower right side shooting across belly very fast, in night.

10, 30c, 27:xx:xx

Last night, severe abdominal pain, a deep pain around navel, a twisting, very deep, almost like an umbilical cord still stuck inside.  Over very quickly.

10, 30c, 28:xx:xx



Constipated with flu symptoms.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Digestion feels better than usual, moving.

03, 200c, 01:xx:xx

Digestion feels good, feels like its digesting rather than just sitting.

03, 200c, 02:xx:xx


Stools more loose than usual, and went twice today instead of once.

04, 200c, 01:xx:xx

Diarrhoea in morning.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx

Diarrhoea after breakfast, runny with lumps.  Diarrhoea all day, 4 or 5 times and feel tired from it, with flu symptoms.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Everytime I eat I got to the toilet half an hour afterwards, diarrhoea.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Stomach sore with loose bowels.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx


Farting a bit more than usual.

03, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Have had three days of farting, (since remedy).

04, 200c, 02:xx:xx

Urging, sudden

Desperate need for the toilet all of a sudden, but didn’t make it, soiled underpants and floor.  Haven’t done this since I was a child.  Wondered if it was a substitute discharge out of sympathy for sexual continence?

04, 200c, 02:xx:xx



Stools more loose than usual, and went twice today instead of once.

04, 200c, 01:xx:xx

Stools are becoming more well-formed than usual, though also more frequent through the day.

06, 1M, 15:xx:xx

Had two stools today instead of one, second one had diarrhoea type pain before and after.

10, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Bowels a bit up in the air the last week or so, I’ve been going more than usual one day, then nothing the next day.  Bowels very erratic.  Bit of fresh blood one day.

10, 30c, 21:xx:xx

Several eliminations during day, small amounts at a time.

11, 30c, 01:xx:xx


Ultra soft faeces.

06, 1M, 00:00:00

Well-formed stool, unusual as normally have loose, sloppy stools.

06, 1M, 05:xx:xx

Solid stools again.

06, 1M, 28:xx:xx


Bowel motion in morning was very white and broken up.

10, 30c, 07:xx:xx


Trouble urinating, felt blocked for half an hour or so.  Then burning sensation on urinating.  Could only pass small amounts and after urinating felt as though there was still more to come out for about half an hour, very uncomfortable. 

06, 1M, 13:xx:xx


I feel different around the belly area, it feels flatter and less full than usual.  I don’t feel so fat.  Usually feels full and congested around the bladder line.  I’m not eating less but I feel less fat.

10, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Had a feeling during the afternoon and evening that I was going to get a period, lower back pain and pelvic congestion, passed that evening.  (menopausal)

10, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Desire, increased,

Sitting in the warm sun, and felt a very sensual feeling, a sexual type of energy that was triggered by the warm sun and being alone.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Felt like sex, the first time in ages that I have felt confident to instigate it.

10, 30c, 14:xx:xx

In general, more sexual desire than usual.

10, 30c, 14:xx:xx

All symptoms got progressively worse since sex, hip etc.

10, 30c, 18:xx:xx)

Lots of little desires popping up around sex.

10, 30c, 28:xx:xx

Dryness, vagina

Noticed vaginal mucous again, (usually very dry and sometimes irritated).

10, 30c, 07?:xx:xx

Hot flushes

No hot sweats.  (Usually hot sweats < night, often wake at 2am with a jump in body, sense of fear and then the flush, with lots of perspiration, face and head go really red, < when stressed or nervous).

02, 6c, 00:xx:xx

No hot flushes for 10 days after remedy, and then they came back.

02, 6c, 10:xx:xx

Hot flushes not so bad, have only had one since taking the remedy (normally would have had 4 or 5 by now).

10, 30c, 00:05:00

Have only had three little hot flushes today, normally would have had five big ones just in the morning!

10, 30c, 00:09:00

Was cold and tired, so went to bed, took another dose and got very hot in bed, heavy and oppressive like there was a big heavy load on top of me.

10, 30c, 00:15:30

Felt really hot and uncomfortable in bed though it was cold outside (usually no hot flushes at night)

10, 30c, 00:19:00

Usually only have hot flushes from about 7am, but woke at 3am feeling anxious, with aching hips and lots of hot flushes from then on through rest of night.  Restless legs.  Hot flushes with no sweat (usually sweats with flushes), restless sleep, feel like I haven’t slept.

10, 30c, 00:20:00

Only had two big hot flushes in morning, normally would have four or five.  Had a big hot flush 10am.  It was unusual in that it was all over my body, on trunk and back as well.  Normally only just have them on head, face, neck and chest.  This was the biggest flush I’ve had in a long time, felt overwhelmed and had to fan myself.  It lasted ages, 5-10 minutes, where my normal flushes last only about two minutes.

10, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Woke at 3am with hot flushes.

10, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Lots of big hot flushes during the night and the day.  Got a very, bright red face after walk this morning.  It took about 15 minutes to settle down.

10, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Lots of hot flushes all day, and was hot all day.

10, 30c, 05:xx:xx

Hot all over all the time. Before the remedy I would have a flush and then it would go away and there’d be no more heat, but now I have heat all the time and then get a flush on top of that.

10, 30c, 07:xx:xx


No hot sweats anymore.  Had no sweats from day 9 to day 21 when had a tiny sweat.  Still none on day 28.

10, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Had a very mild hot flush again. 

10, 30c, 33:xx:xx

Only a very mild hot flush once in awhile.  (3 months after proving).

10, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Hot flushes much worse than normal.  Usually get the occasional one when it’s hot, but I was getting three in an hour after remedy.  They came from the belly, making me feel sick and then come up to head and were full on.  They were ten times worse than usual.

11, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Ice cold all over, then feel sick in stomach, follows up to head in a hot flush.

11, 30c, 01:05:45

Hot flushes every 1-2 hours (2.15pm, 3pm, 3.30pm, 6.30pm, 7.30pm, 8.30pm, 9.30pm).

11, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Hot flush with hot head and cold body.

11, 30c, 01:07:00

Hot flushes every 2 hours (11am – 7pm), with low energy.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Many hot flushes again.

11, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Four hot flushes in afternoon and one at night.

11, 30c, 04:xx:xx

No hot flushes

11, 30c, 05, 06:xx:xx

Two hot flushes in evening, 5pm, 8pm.

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Menses, late

Period really overdue, four days late, big intense buildup, feel like a ripe fruit ready to drop!

03, 200c, 14:xx:xx


Testicles very tender for 2 hours.  A dull pain with contact.  Painful to walk as they knock on legs.  Very sensitive to touch, just a tap.

06, 1M, 16:xx:xx


High libido and energy.

04, 200c, xx:xx:xx

More cuddly and touchy than usual, more sensual and in the body, feeling more.

06, 1M, 04:xx:xx


The persistent hoarseness that I’ve had for the last couple of weeks has gone.

03, 200c, 01:xx:xx

Irritated sore throat like getting a flu, with croaky voice.  Throat crackly.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx


Big yawns, while getting flu and nausea.

06, 1M, 00:11:00


Am singing well.  My voice feels good and respiration feels good.  Breathing feels very clear and enjoying singing.

04, 200c, xx:xx:xx

Breathing more deeply through my nose instead of my mouth, nose has cleared.

08, 30c, 00:00:15


Hard to breathe, with heaviness of chest.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Couldn’t breathe deeply enough to sleep, felt my chest was full of liquid.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx


During the night, couldn’t breathe through nose properly, passages felt blocked as if I couldn’t fill my lungs, a suffocating feeling, but I wanted to stop breathing through mouth as my throat felt dry. 

In meditation, deep breathing through my nose and emotion starts to come up from a very deep place, felt I was breathing out tears, no thoughts attached.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx


Dry, tickling

Dry, persistent cough with a slight tickle near epiglottis, with churning stomach, slight headache and muscle pain in legs.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Dry cough, with full chest and difficulty breathing.  Coughing up green phlegm.  Dry, itchy, scratchy cough, irritating at back of throat with tight chest.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Tickly cough, with sore throat, runny nose and flu.

10, 30c, 28:xx:xx

After dinner

Cough worse after dinner.  Dry, itchy throat on roof of mouth behind tongue causing the cough.  Constant coughing with sore burning, stinging eyes especially when open.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Itchy cough after dinner, with runny nose.

06, 1M, 27:xx:xx


Coughing fits for 2 hours from 11.30pm onwards, couldn’t sleep.  Coughing fit then a small break and then another coughing fit.  Chest feels full of stuff.

06, 1M, 29:xx:xx

Cough attacks bringing up phlegm, chest feels tight, with sore throat.

11, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Tight chest with asthmatic cough.

11, 30c, 11:xx:xx)


Green phlegm.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Big globs of green, gluey phlegm coming up on coughing.

06, 1M, 28:xx:xx

Coughing up green, orange mucous on first day.

11, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Coughing up mucous in morning, with sore burning throat.

11, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Cough attacks bring up small amounts of phlegm in bubbles. 

11, 30c, 04:xx:xx



Heart pounding for no reason (usually would only get this after eating, but I hadn’t eaten).

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Constriction, heart

Heart constricted, realised shut down, locked heart up and go into head, a way to stop feeling pain, easier to be in head than in heart.  Felt my heart has released, easier around it, peace was in the heart not the head.

08, 30c, 00:09:00

Woke feeling tight in centre to left of chest again.  Gettting paranoid about it.

10, 30c, 18:xx:xx

Chest feels tight, with cough and sore throat.

11, 30c, 04:xx:xx

(Tight chest, asthmatic cough.

11, 30c, 11:xx:xx)

Email today from a client who has MS, about a channel from Archangel Michael – he told her that MS was hardening of the heart – need to love oneself.

02, 6c, 00:xx:xx


Felt my chest was full of liquid and I couldn’t breathe deeply enough to sleep, woke often.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Chest feels tight and full, hard to breathe.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx


Feel like coming down with something, heavy in chest, sore throat and feeling the cold.

06, 1M, 00:06:00

Chest feels heavy.

06, 1M, 19:xx:xx

Chest heavy, hard to breathe.

06, 1M, 22, 24:xx:xx

Chest heavier, cough much worse with green phlegm hawked up, and blocked right nostril.

06, 1M, 25:xx:xx

Woke 2am with heavy, sore feeling in chest, and vomited up catarrh.

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Pressure returned to upper chest.

08, 30c, 00:00:40

Heavy feeling in chest, like a weight on chest, like someone is pressing on it.

08, 30c, 00:00:15 (day 3)

Burning, heavy sensation in chest, feels like it comes in from the armpits.

08, 30c, 00:00:20 (day 3)

Sensation in ribs up to the chest, like a light pressure.

08, 30c, 00:01:00 (day 3)

Woke 1.30am with chest sore and heavy.

08, 30c, 05:xx:xx


Heat in the outside of left breast.

02, 6c, 00:00:20

Great warmth in upper chest area through to back, shoulder blades and down spine to lumbar area.

08, 30c, 00:00:15

Burning in chest.

08, 30c, 00:00:35 (day 3)

Sharp burning sensation in middle of chest.

08, 30c, 07:xx:xx


Chest painful, with swollen throat, blocked nose and cough.

06, 1M, 27:xx:xx

Twinge in centre of chest, little pinching pain.  Had it last night and this morning on getting out of bed.

10, 30c, 12:xx:xx

Pain, left side

Pain around left breast feels much better, less tight.  (Normally a dull, aching, uncomfortable sensation around left breast radiating up to inside of arm, congested feeling, often < night.)

10, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Pain in spleen area, left side under breastbone 5pm last night.  Very sensitive, like I’d pulled a muscle.  Irritated me all night, had to rub it a lot.  Lasted 12 hours.  When I woke it was gone.

10, 30c, 09:xx:xx

The pain in my left breast / chest area has been quite bad the last couple of day, a deep aching, want to massage it all the time.  Feel a bit over it, have had it on and off for years.  Then at 4.30pm this afternoon it disappeared, even when I poke around in there.

10, 30c, 09:xx:xx



Heat in lower lumbar region moving up to the back of head.

08, 30c, 00:00:10 (day 3)

2.30am - powerful sensation between the shoulder blades (an old area of deep pain and stiffness) that slowly becomes a heat that is quite strong, and which then passes through the body warming the chest.

08, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Back of neck starting to hurt and ache.  Heat in neck and shoulders, like the blood flow is starting to go through and the area is coming back into function.  As I let go deeper (over the previous days), my neck and shoulders seemed to have opened up, which has then opened up the blood flow to head.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx


Heavy pressure and constriction in left side of neck, followed by some warmth.

02, 6c, 00:00:15

Heaviness sensation, like a flu coming on, heaviness across shoulders and upper back, like an achey flu is starting.  Heaviness and lethargy in upper back and shoulders.

09, 30c, 00:00:10 (2nd dose)

Pain, cervical region,

Slight pounding pain in upper left side of neck behind ear- and into left sinus.

02, 6c, 00:00:25

Electric, sharper pain in left side of neck.

02, 6c, 01:12:xx

Left side of body feels sore and tense, especially shoulders and neck, but also my arm, hip, all down left side.

03, 200c, 03:xx:xx

Tight shoulders and neck.  Felt like I couldn’t move at all.

11, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Stiff neck, like needles on both sides of neck.

11, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Slight soft, nice feeling in neck and base of skull (I have had several bad neck injuries in past).

02, 6c, 00:00:05

Pain, dorsal region,

Stiffness in thoracic area.

11, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Pain in neck, upper back and shoulders.

11, 30c, 01:12:10

Cold upper back and arms.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Numb shoulders from hard bed, causing tossing and turning.

06, 1M, 08:xx:xx

(Woke with pain in heart area of back, an uncomfortable heavy sensation, wanting to round my shoulders, feels tight.  Have had it before but has been pretty settled for a few months.

10, 30c, 09:xx:xx)

Pain, lumbar region,

Light sharp stabbing, and shooting pain on left hand side lumbar and buttock region, along with stabbing pain in both groins.

08, 30c, 00:00:10 (day 3)

Sharp, stabbing pain in left lumbar and buttock area.

08, 30c, 00:00:15 (day 3)

Lower back a bit tight

10, 30c, 01:xx:xx

(Pain in kidneys in morning, went quickly.

10, 30c, 06:xx:xx)

Backache as if getting a period, uncomfortable sensation, and a bit of pelvic pain.  (menopausal)

10, 30c, 12:xx:xx

Noticed a lump of bone sticking out from my right hip, never felt it before.

06, 1M, 30:xx:xx



Feet very cold, right up to my knees.

10, 30c, 13:xx:xx

Legs and feet cold, with swelling and pain.

10, 30c, 17:xx:xx

Feet like ice.

10, 30c, 20:xx:xx

Cold arms and upper back.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx


Noticed when lying on limbs, I wasn’t very sensitive to them, couldn’t tell if it was blocking the circulation off or not, couldn’t feel it.  Legs felt numb – calf and foot.

06, 1M, 06:xx:xx (first time)

Pain, joints

Stabbing pain in left hand groin.  Groin pain and extends down the top of legs to the thighs, like an aching pain in the bones, reminds me of growing pains.  A joint pain, in the hip joints.

08, 30c, 00:00:45

Light stabbing and shooting in right and left groin and lumbar area.

08, 30c, 00:00:10 (day 3)


Throbbing pain on top of foot in front of big toes on right side (Lv 2, Lv 3 area).

08, 30c, 00:00:25

Pulled a muscle in back of left knee when running, strained it.  Sore for a couple of days after.

10, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Left hip was clicking (hasn’t done that for 7/8 years), like the joint was going in the opposite direction to movement, painful for an instant.  Did this for two days when walking, then it clicked into place and was gone.

10, 30c, 17/18:xx:xx

Pain, upper limbs

Left shoulder and arm starting to ache.

08, 30c, 00:00:15 (day 3)

Tingling in arms and hands, like a vibration, an energy moving, feels like something is moving rather than the normal complaining and restriction.  Like an old symptom is waking up and moving.

08, 30c, 00:00:20 (day 3)

Upper left arm in spasm from shoulder to elbow, cramping muscle spasms after leaning on it.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Left arm aching a lot lately.  It feels really heavy and hurts all the time, a dull pain, almost dead.  > lying on right side, though I prefer lying on left side.  It is uncomfortable at night, feels like it needs support.  Have had the same sensation years ago but not recently, but it was in my right arm then.

10, 30c, 34:xx:xx

Pain, lower limbs,

Woke with sciatica, same sensation as usual, but was on right side where it is usually on the left side, and normally doesn’t last this long either.

10, 30c, 17:xx:xx

Legs and feet aching on walking.  Calves felt so tight thought they were going to snap.  > walking, < standing.

10, 30c, 18:xx:xx


Feet swollen and sore, full of fluid and pressure.  < standing.  > walking.

10, 30c, 17:xx:xx



Deep sleep through the night, no waking at all, and felt it had been a very deep sleep.

08, 30c, 01:00:00

Slept well, too well, had the deepest, deepest sleep.  Couldn’t wake up in the morning, didn’t hear the alarm going off.  Slept really late and took ages just to open my eyes.

10, 30c, 05:xx:xx

Deep, comatose sleep in afternoon (I never do this) for 1-2 hours and dreamt.

11, 30c, 00:06:30


Woke at 5am feeling too hot in my pajamas, had to take them off.

04, 200c, 05:xx:xx

Too hot in night again.

04, 200c, 06:xx:xx


Woke in night with acid stomach

06, 1M, 07:xx:xx (first time)

Woke up hungry in night.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx

Woke at 1.30am with pain in left throat to left ear, sore heavy chest and some belching.

08, 30c, 05:xx:xx

Woke at 2am with dry mouth and very thirsty.

08, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Woke 1.40am in a cold sweat, clammy raw throat, start of a cold.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Felt very comfortable in bed.  Slept all night and didn’t wake at all, a rarity.

10, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Woke at 3am, with hot flushes and restlessness.

10, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Woke at 3am, went back to sleep.

10, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Woke 1.45am with uncomfortable, heavy sensation in centre of back, heart area.

10, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Slept badly.  Woke at 1am and couldn’t go back to sleep till 2.45am.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx


Tossing and turning due to hard bed giving me numb shoulders.

06, 1M, 08:xx:xx

Sleep interrupted by phlegmy chest, hard to breathe.  Restless sleep.  Hard to wake in morning.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Restless all night, very hot.

10, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Restless night, woke at 3am, couldn’t sleep, restless mind.  Worst night I’ve had in ages, was awake till 5am.

10, 30c, 09:xx:xx


Sleepiness.  Feel drowsy yet alert at same time.  I had a short sleep 30 minutes after taking remedy, 9.30am.

01, 6c, 00:00:30

Tired, don’t want to do anything, go anywhere, face anything.

01, 6c, 01:xx:xx

Fell asleep again for another hour.  On waking still feel tired, but I’m hungry again.

01, 6c, 00:02:45

Slept a lot, much more than usual.  Feel tired but with a feeling of wellbeing and good.

01, 6c, 00:xx:xx

Even though I’m a little thick headed from so much sleep, I have good energy levels, feeling well and strong.

01, 6c, 00:06:35


03, 200c, 01:00:00

Big sleep in, exhausted.  Very drained and tired.

03, 200c, 07:xx:xx

Woke tired and depressed.  Low energy.  Feel tired of giving, feel I need to receive.

03, 200c, 10:xx:xx

Slept 8 hours, unusual, usually only sleep 6 or 6.5 hours.

04, 200c, 03:xx:xx

Tired early, 7.40pm and slightly sniffy.

04, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Slept 8 hours again.

04, 200c, 07:xx:xx

Bit tired, slept a bit during the day, which I never do.

06, 1M, 05:xx:xx

Tired and a bit irritable all day.

06, 1M, 13:xx:xx

Weird sensation of intense lethargy that just gets worse and worse, like a tiredness that never gets refreshed even with sleep.

06, 1M, 00:09:30

Body relaxed all over, want to rest and sleep.

08, 30c, 00:00:55

Tired, but a healthy tiredness (not the usual body complaining fatigue, sore and achy where I feel like walking through treacle tired).

08, 30c, 00:02:00


Feel very relaxed.

08, 30c, 00:09:00

Allowed myself to rest rather than pushing through it like I usually do.

08, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Rested my body at lunch and then felt energised after and went for a bike ride, normally would have quite low energy, but after just has this healthy tiredness feeling again.  I’ve become aware of what a healthy tiredness is, tired from exercising.

08, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Tired but calm.

08, 30c, 13:xx:xx

Very tired after pain, shock attack.

08, 30c, 14:xx:xx

Very tired after doing so much, realised why I got ill in the first place (cfs) was because I just pushed through and had to do so much.

08, 30c, 33:xx:xx

Was feeling really cold and tired, couldn’t keep eyes open, so went to bed.

10, 30c, 00:14:00

Woke feeling very tired after a restless sleep.  Dragged myself around.

10, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Woke feeling tired, hard to get up.

10, 30c, 14:xx:xx

Tired all day, though still did a fair bit, but felt I had to do everything slowly.  Had a lie down in the afternoon.

10, 30c, 19:xx:xx

Very tired, had a deep, comatose sleep in afternoon (I never do this) for 1-2 hours and dreamt.

11, 30c, 00:06:30

Deep sleep for one and a half hours in the afternoon, 3pm.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx


Couldn’t sleep until I ate more food.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Unable to sleep.  Felt relaxed.  Usually go to sleep very early, but it is now 11pm and I am still awake, nothing worrying in my head, just feel awake and relaxed.

08, 30c, 00:16:00

Body feels very calm as well as the mind, though am awake late again (11.10pm), usually asleep by 8pm.

08, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Took ages to go to sleep even though I was really tired.

10, 30c, 00:15:00

Waking, difficult,

Getting up late a lot lately.

03, 200c, 12:xx:xx

Hard to get up in mornings for last week or so.  Tired, no energy for things.  Chilled out.  Hard to get motivated to do things, but when I do them I feel good and focused about it.

03, 200c, 26:xx:xx

Dozed for half an hour on waking, very unusual, usually get straight up, never have the time or luxury to lie in. 

04, 200c, 08:xx:xx

Hard to wake up in morning.

06, 1M, 06:xx:xx

Hard to wake in morning, from restless, interrupted sleep.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Had trouble waking up, breathing felt funny like it remained deep when I wanted to wake up.

06, 1M, 31:xx:xx

Trouble waking, felt groggy.  When I held my breath it was better.

06, 1M, 37:xx:xx

Slow to start this morning, body doesn’t want to move as it feels very comfortable.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx


Slept deeply and slept till late in morning.  Got up quickly and felt energised.  Normally takes me a couple of hours to wake up, stay in bed for a while.

08, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Slow and heavy to wake.

08, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Slow to start in morning, yet feel a need to jump out of bed.  Body feels restless and needed to do something, normally very slow in mornings.

08, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Couldn’t wake up in the morning, didn’t hear the alarm going off.  Slept really late and took ages just to open my eyes.

10, 30c, 05:xx:xx

It is hard to wake up from this dream, hard to come back to this world.  Took me an hour to wake.

11, 30c, 00:08:00

Woke early with good energy.

10, 30c, 04:xx:xx


Tired, yawning a lot.

06, 1M, 12:xx:xx


On waking, ants had infested my bedside table.  This has never happened before.

On waking, an image before my eyes of a golden yellow, glowing flower.

01, 6c, 00:03:50



Felt cold all over, unusually so.

06, 1M, 07:xx:xx (first time)

Feel colder than usual.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Getting cold brought on flu and cough.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Coldness at night with flu symptoms.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx


Felt very cold all afternoon, feet were freezing.

10, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Feet right up to my knees, very cold.

10, 30c, 13:xx:xx

Feeling the cold, and woke with flu symptoms.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx

Feel cold in the bones.  One hand icy cold.

10, 30c, 20:xx:xx

Very sensitive to the cold.  I can feel the cold shooting up through my feet even with two pairs of socks and my shoes on, haven’t had this feeling for 17 years ago when I had chillblains.

10, 30c, 21:xx:xx

Ice cold all over before hot flush.

11, 30c, 01:05:45

Cold arms and upper back.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx


Feel like getting a temperature, shivery and cold, with nausea and no appetite.

06, 1M, 00:01:00

Feel like getting a temperature, shivery and cold, with nausea, tiredness, runny nose, sore calves, powerful yawning and lower back pain.

06, 1M, 00:10:00

Shivery feeling but not with cold, difficult to talk for a few seconds, with constriction in chest and throat

06, 1M, 09:xx:xx


Feverish, very chilly though hot to touch.  Very restless during fever, couldn’t find a comfortable position or mindspace, all muscles sore and feverish and agitated. 

06, 1M, 00:04:30

Feeling like I’m getting ill, better after eating.

06, 1M, 00:00:30

Woke 1.40am in a cold sweat, clammy, with raw throat and start of a cold.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx


Left side

Little skin eruption on left side below ear and on neck.  Feels like an old burn to touch, or a fresh graze.  Red and slightly papular, with a burning sensation.

06, 1M, 06:xx:xx

Small red pimple on left elbow.

04, 200c, 12:xx:xx

Skin on face rough and red on cheeks and a little on forehead.  From ‘placental plus’ cream or petrol.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx



Right nostril blocked on waking at night for a number of days.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

During the night, couldn’t breathe through nose properly, passages felt blocked as if I couldn’t fill my lungs, a suffocating feeling, but I wanted to stop breathing through mouth as my throat felt dry. 

In meditation, deep breathing through my nose and emotion starts to come up from a very deep place, felt I was breathing out tears, no thoughts attached.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Throat burning, swollen.  Thirsty.  < night.

11, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Midnight, retching and vomiting.  Intense nausea, wanting to vomit, but body not vomiting for me, so sticking fingers down throat to vomit.  One spontaneous vomit that came so quickly it surprised me.  Very liquidy vomit over and over, feverish, chilly though hot to touch.  Very restless, couldn’t find a comfortable position or mindspace, all muscles sore and feverish, agitated just wanted to keep moving.  (Eventually took Ars alb 30, quieted down and went to sleep.)

06, 1M, 00:04:30

All night, gas, bloated abdomen, constant burping, reflux, wanting to vomit, had to keep sitting up wanting to burp, heartburn.  Barely got any sleep.  Tried to vomit but couldn’t.

09, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Indigestive, reflux stuff, worse at night, kept me awake all night, better during the day, then next night could feel it starting to come on again.

09, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Woke in night with acid stomach

06, 1M, 07:xx:xx (first time)

Woke up hungry in night.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx

Woke in night with my appetite back and ate, very acid stomach with stuffy nose.

06, 1M, 14:xx:xx

Nausea again in the night.

06, 1M, 14:xx:xx

Coughing fits for 2 hours from 11.30pm onwards, couldn’t sleep.  Coughing fit then a small break and then another coughing fit.  Chest feels full of stuff.

06, 1M, 29:xx:xx

Woke 12.45am with mouth so dry, tongue stuck to top of mouth and felt I wanted to be sick.

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Slept badly.  Woke at 1am and couldn’t go back to sleep till 2.45am.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx

Woke 1.30am with pain in left throat to left ear, sore heavy chest and some belching.

08, 30c, 05:xx:xx

Woke 1.40am in a cold sweat, clammy, with raw throat and start of a cold.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Woke 1.45am with uncomfortable, heavy sensation in centre of back, heart area.

10, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Woke 2am with heavy, sore feeling in chest, and vomited up catarrh.

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Woke at 2am with very dry mouth and thirst.  Still dry in morning.

08, 30c, 06:xx:xx

2.30am - powerful sensation between the shoulder blades (an old area of deep pain and stiffness) that slowly becomes a heat that is quite strong, and which then passes through the body warming the chest.

08, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Usually only have hot flushes from about 7am, but woke at 3am feeling anxious, with aching hips and lots of hot flushes from then on through rest of night.  Restless legs.  hot flushes with no sweat (usually sweats with flushes), restless sleep, feel like I haven’t slept.

10, 30c, 00:20:00

Woke at 3am, with hot flushes and restlessness.

10, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Woke at 3am, went back to sleep.

10, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Restless night, woke at 3am, couldn’t sleep, restless mind.  Worst night I’ve had in ages, was awake till 5am.

10, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Woke at 4.15am to screaming baby, and realised I had a moderate dull ache in intestines that kept me awake, and lightly sleeping until daylight.  Bloated feeling.  Dreamt of liver tumours and stomach cancer.

06, 1M, 15:xx:xx

Earache in both ears on waking at 4.15am, affected by cold air.  Both ears really sore like a headache deep in the ears, in the eardrum.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Eating, aggravates,

Brief, uncomfortable feeling when I’ve swallowed food.  It feels like its pushing its way down and forcing open my gullet, from around the sternum down about 3-4 inches.

01, 6c, 00:02:xx

After dinner aggravates

06, 1M, xx:xx:xx

Slight bloating, aching indigestion type feeling in stomach after eating for last two days.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx (first time)

Queasy feeling after eating.  Felt sick after eating.  Smell or even the thought of food made it worse.

06, 1M, 03:xx:xx (first time)

Full stomach after dinner, felt bloated.

06, 1M, 03:xx:xx

Felt sick after dinner, like I wanted to vomit. 

06, 1M, 04:xx:xx

Excessive acid stomach after dinner, indigestive feeling.

06, 1M, 10, 11, 12:xx:xx

Feel as though what’s going on in my tummy affects my appetite, feel a bit less hungry and ambivalent about food.  Stomach very variable at the moment.  Uncomfortable after food.

06, 1M, 15:xx:xx

Slight pain in stomach after dinner, and slightly sick in tummy feeling.

06, 1M, 17:xx:xx

Very plain dinner, after all night retching, but started getting symptoms again about an hour after dinner.  Took antacids (Gaviscon) which settled it down (and ended proving).

09, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Everytime I eat I go to the toilet half an hour afterwards, diarrhoea.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Cough worse after dinner.  Dry, itchy throat on roof of mouth behind tongue causing the cough.  Constant coughing with sore burning, stinging eyes especially when open.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Itchy cough after dinner, with runny nose.

06, 1M, 27:xx:xx

Itchy nose and throat half an hour after dinner.  Runny nose after dinner.

06, 1M, 28:xx:xx

All flu symptoms < after dinner.

06, 1M, xx:xx:xx

Heat, sensation of,

> warmth and being cocooned.

01, 6c, 00:02:15

Woke at 5am feeling too hot in my pajamas, had to take them off.

04, 200c, 05:xx:xx

Too hot in night again.

04, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Intense heat radiation outwards, up the neck and around the body like a warm blanket, radiating into arms.

08, 30c, 00:00:20

Heat reaching ribs and stomach area, cosy feeling like wrapped in a warm blanket, slight painful area on left side of ribs like a mild stitch pain.

08, 30c, 00:00:23

Heat reaching fingers and starting to travel down the legs.  The centre of heat is from the chest round to the shoulder blades and back.

08, 30c, 00:00:25

Heat is more centred in the lower lumbar area now, gluteal muscles, buttocks, radiating around to the groin.  Heat at base of skull radiating around to temples.

08, 30c, 00:00:30

Heat withdrawing.

08, 30c, 00:01:15


I’ve had more heat in my body since taking the remedy.

08, 30c, 42:xx:xx

Body a lot warmer, before had been really feeling the cold lately.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Heat in kidneys, digestive system, especially stomach area.

08, 30c, 00:00:10 (day 4)

Heat in lower lumbar up to back of head.

08, 30c, 00:00:15 (day 4)

Heat in spine.

08, 30c, 00:00:25 (day 4)

My body suddenly feels very relaxed and warm.  Thought the bowel has relaxed and told the digestive system to relax, it can deal with this now.  It’s as if the bowel has been asleep or observing and not feeling affected or part of the proceedings, and now realised it has a role to play, needs to let go.

08, 30c, 00:00:40 (day 4)

Lots of heat between shoulder blades.

08, 30c, 10:xx:xx

Lots of heat from middle of back, warming the trunk and then the rest of the body.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx


Slight heaviness in sinuses.

01, 6c, 00:00:05

Heavy pressure and constriction around left eye and temple, and left neck.  Followed by some warmth.

02, 6c, 00:00:15

Body feels heavy.

03, 200c, 03:xx:xx

Heavy chest when breathing.

06, 1M, 22, 24, 25:xx:xx

Heavy feeling in chest, like a weight on chest, like someone is pressing on it.

08, 30c, 00:00:15 (day 3)

Body feels heavy, energy low.  Things feel like an effort today, even writing, almost like a mental thing too, an inertia of the mind and body won’t go.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Heaviness sensation, like a flu coming on, heaviness across shoulders and upper back, like an achey flu is starting.  Heaviness and lethargy in upper back and shoulders.

09, 30c, 00:00:10 (2nd dose)

Couldn’t open eyes in morning on waking.  Like someone had put something heavy on my eyelids, I was wide awake but my eyes weren’t.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Dream – Feel like a huge weight is pressing down on me on left hand side.  I become scared and start to shout because I know I need to wake myself up when this happens.  I can hear myself shout but I know I’m deep asleep so I start to say a prayer instead and continue to sleep.  The feeling of weight coming onto and attaching to my back passes.

08, 30c, 27:xx:xx


Heavy prickling in throat, sinus and ears.  Throat starts to feel a little rough as though I’m about to get a sore throat.  This sensation doesn’t last too long.  I have the general sensation of possibly coming down with a full head cold.

01, 6c, 00:00:01

Sneezed four times immediately after remedy, with sensation as if coming down with a full head cold.

01, 6c, 00:00:02

Feeling like I’m getting ill, better after eating.

06, 1M, 00:00:30

Feel like coming down with something, heavy in chest, sore throat and feeling the cold.

06, 1M, 00:06:00

Feel like getting a temperature, shivery and cold, with nausea, no appetite, tiredness, runny nose, sore calves, powerful yawning and lower back pain.

06, 1M, 00:10:00

Sore throat, feels swollen and raw, hard to swallow, like I’m getting sick, got cold yesterday.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Catarrh in throat, like I’m getting a cold, drinking lots of water.

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Nose clear, then in the late afternoon, suddenly needed to start blowing nose as if going to get a cold, but only lasted 5 minutes.

08, 30c, 08:xx:xx

Felt like I was getting a cold, and my nostrils are red at the edges like I’ve had a cold.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Throat dry, yet saliva in mouth, and swallowing a great deal.  Feel like a cold is starting but doesn’t fully take hold.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Heaviness in head and shoulders, like an achey flu coming on, bit of a headache.

09, 30c, 00:00:10 (2nd dose)

Woke feeling tired and heady, felt maybe I was coming down with something.

10, 30c, 14:xx:xx

Irritated sore throat like getting a flu, with croaky voice.  Throat crackly.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx

Touch of a sore throat.  Woke feeling like getting the flu, but better as day progressed.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx

Look and feel sick.  Fluey, tired, drained, feels like a ross river fever relapse.

03, 200c, 08:xx:xx

Woke feeling fluey again, touch of a sore throat.  Better as day progressed.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx

Headache with snuffly, sinus, flu symptoms.

03, 200c, 06, 12, 14, 15:xx:xx

Slight headache with flu symptoms, heavy chest and dry cough.  Fuzzy headed.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Slight flu-type headache with tired eyes.

11, 30c, 00:01:00

Head congested, with runny nose, swollen throat.

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Eyes glassy, with flu, allergy symptoms.

03, 200c, 08:xx:xx

Flu with sore scratchy eyes, blocked right nostril, tinnitis worse on left side, coldness at night.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Watery, tired eyes with flu symptoms.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Eyes and forehead congested with cold symptoms.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Tinnitis in left ear bad, during flu.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Really fluey.  Sneezing.  Sniffly, blocked and runny nose.

03, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Nose runny, clear mucous, with shivery cold, flu and nausea.

06, 1M, 00:10:00

Nasal passages red as if I have a cold, but no cold.

08, 30c, 05:xx:xx

Dry, sore throat, with flu and tiredness.

03, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Sore throat, tickly cough, runny nose and flu.

10, 30c, 28:xx:xx

Nausea in tummy with flu symptoms.

03, 200c, 08:xx:xx

Nausea, churning stomach, with flu symptoms.  No appetite.

06, 1M, 22:xx:xx

Constipated with flu symptoms.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Diarrhoea all day, 4 or 5 times and feel tired from it, with flu symptoms.

06, 1M, 23:xx:xx

Big yawns, while getting flu and nausea.

06, 1M, 00:11:00

Tickly cough, with sore throat, runny nose and flu.

10, 30c, 28:xx:xx

Coldness at night with flu symptoms.

06, 1M, 24:xx:xx

Lassitude, lethargy (see also Mind, fatigue, apathy)


10, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Had no energy for my normal walk.

10, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Pain, aching, dull,

Quick, dull, aching thuds under right breast and in right wrist.

01, 6c, 00:06:30

In the last minute I’ve had a single sensation down the left hand side of my body.  It’s like a mild heavy, dull, thudding, ache that only lasts 2 seconds and feels like it goes to the bone.  It’s happened in the sole of my foot, outer thigh, palm of my hand.  Took a minute to come up the body.

01, 6c, 01:xx:xx

Body aches.  Wanted to really stretch and yawn.

08, 30c, 10:xx:xx

Body achy and sore, hard to get moving.

08, 30c, 14:xx:xx

Where there is normally pain in my body everywhere, the remedy grouped and focused the pain and gave meaning to it.

08, 30c, 03:xx:xx


Can feel the stress wanting to start in body, muscles wanting to tense, nervous system firing in short sharp shocks, but am checking my thought patterns and telling my body all is fine, nothing to be anxious and stressed about.

08, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Slight electric shocks when touching metal two or three times today.

08, 30c, 08:xx:xx

Side, left,

Left side of body feels sore and tense, especially shoulders and neck, but also my arm, hip, all down left side.

03, 200c, 03:xx:xx

Flu where face, ear, eye, nose, teeth and gland symptoms are worse on left side.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Heavy, pressure sensation in left side of head, neck and eye.  Constriction around left eye, temple and left neck.  Followed by some warmth in these areas 5 minutes later.

02, 6c, 00:00:15

Slight pounding pain in upper left side of neck behind ear- and into left sinus

Headache on left hand side over temple, eye and sinus. Felt sick in stomach. Worse as night progressed. Gone in morning. (I have suffered from these migraine headaches but they usually start on the right hand side neck behind ear and go to right temple).

02, 6c, 00:00:25

Electric, sharper pain in left side of neck.

02, 6c, 01:12:xx

Tension in left side of head, and left side of neck like needles or little knives in neck.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Foggy left side of head.

11, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Left eye itchy.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Left eye bloodshot and slightly itchy.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Twitch in corner of left eye, across bridge of nose from about 9.30pm.

06, 1M, 02:xx:xx (first time)

Eyebrow jumping at night.  Woke in night with left eye twitch going crazy, went all night.

06, 1M, 03:xx:xx (first time)

Sharp, periodic stabbing pain in left eye.

08, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Tinnitis bad in left ear, like a jet plane.  Some throbbing pain in right ear for a short time.

06, 1M, 27:xx:xx

Thudding, cracking in left ear, feeling of dizziness, faintness like I’m going to pass out.

08, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Pain in left ear, sharp, periodic stabbing pain.

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Itchy left eardrum.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Deep radiating ache in left ear coming from jaw and lower molars.

10, 30c, 00:14:15

Left nostril runny.

08, 30c, 06:xx:xx

Woke with cold.  Face swollen on left side, left nostril blocked, teeth ached on left side.  Glands up on both sides, though worse on left side, and left ear aching like crazy.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Top and bottom molars on the left side feel sore.  I feel it is from the sinus nerve running near them.

01, 6c, 00:01:15

Lower jaw and lower molars aching, a deep, radiating ache on left side, radiating up into left ear.

10, 30c, 00:14:15

Throat achey and sore on left hand side.

08, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Feels as though something is stuck in throat, like I needed to push something through, want to swallow all the time.  Worse on the left side.

10, 30c, 16:xx:xx

Throat ache strong now, burning around glottis (had a slight throat ache before remedy, but now is much worse after remedy). < swallowing, mainly on left side.

11, 30c, 00:08:00

Throat ache, lymph nodes on left side of neck swollen, with snotty head and dribbly nose.

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Heat in the outside of left breast.

02, 6c, 00:00:20

Pain around left breast feels much better, less tight.  (Normally a dull, aching, uncomfortable sensation around left breast radiating up to inside of arm, congested feeling, often < night.)

10, 30c, 00:xx:xx

Pain in spleen area, left side under breastbone 5pm last night.  Very sensitive, like I’d pulled a muscle.  Irritated me all night, had to rub it a lot.  Lasted 12 hours.  When I woke it was gone.

10, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Became aware of a slight, but persistent pain in my left lower gut / groin area this last hour (12. 45am).  An aching, scrunching sort of pain.  Am a little worried about it, as it is so persistent.

04, 200c, 02:xx:xx

Slight discomfort and unease in my left side gut.  Nagging, sharpish pain, burning, pulsing, located in a small area. 

04, 200c, 06:xx:xx

Light sharp stabbing, and shooting pain on left hand side lumbar and buttock region, along with stabbing pain in both groins.

08, 30c, 00:00:10 (day 3)

Stabbing pain in left hand groin.

08, 30c, 00:00:45

Sharp pain in lower left back hip.

08, 30c, 00:01:00

Left hip was clicking (hasn’t done that for 7/8 years), like the joint was going in the opposite direction to movement, painful for an instant.  Did this for two days when walking, then it clicked into place and was gone.

10, 30c, 17/18:xx:xx

Pulled a muscle in back of left knee when running, strained it.  Sore for a couple of days after.

10, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Left shoulder and arm starting to ache.

08, 30c, 00:00:15 (day 3)

Upper left arm in spasm from shoulder to elbow, cramping muscle spasms after leaning on it.

10, 30c, 26:xx:xx

Left arm aching a lot lately.  It feels really heavy and hurts all the time, a dull pain, almost dead.  > lying on right side, though I prefer lying on left side.  It is uncomfortable at night, feels like it needs support.  Have had the same sensation years ago but not recently, but it was in my right arm then.

10, 30c, 34:xx:xx

Little skin eruption on left side below ear and on neck.  Feels like an old burn to touch, or a fresh graze.  Red and slightly papular, with a burning sensation.

06, 1M, 06:xx:xx

Small red pimple on left elbow.

04, 200c, 12:xx:xx

Dream – Feel like a huge weight is pressing down on me on left hand side.  I become scared and start to shout because I know I need to wake myself up when this happens.  I can hear myself shout but I know I’m deep asleep so I start to say a prayer instead and continue to sleep.  The feeling of weight coming onto and attaching to my back passes.

08, 30c, 27:xx:xx

Side, right

Frontal headache.  A different pressure in my head as if it was blowing up a little bit, an expanding pressure.  Headache probably more on the right side at the top, frontal, usually have them a long time, this seemed more temporary than usual (1-2hours). 

03, 200c, 00:06:00

Wake with headache, front around eye, right side, forehead.  Dull ache in bones, moves a bit, glides around and comes and goes.  < when tuned into it.  Headache with snuffly, sinus stuff.

03, 200c, 12, 14, 15:xx:xx

Throbbing pain front right side, travels up through head, chest, neck and ear on right side.

08, 30c, 00:01:00

Woke with a slight frontal headache, which lasted 10 minutes – right side ache from neck.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Dull pain on right side of face, especially around ear area and top of nose.  Like a pressure pushing outwards behind eye, ear and jaw, as if energy was stuck there but couldn’t come out.

11, 30c, 00:10:45

Throbbing pain up side of neck to ear on right side.

08, 30c, 00:00:25

Teeth sensitive on right side front upper and lower.  Sensitive to salty foods (chips and cashews), whereas usually only sensitive to sweets.  Pain only immediately after eating, feels like an exposed nerve.

06, 1M, 16:xx:xx

Pain in right side of neck and shoulder extending into the throat.

08, 30c, 00:01:00 (day 3)

Severe abdominal pain, lasting a minute, in lower right side shooting across belly very fast, in night.

10, 30c, 27:xx:xx

Throbbing pain on top of foot in front of big toes on right side (Lv 2, Lv 3 area).

08, 30c, 00:00:25

Sides, both, changing

usually very right sided symptoms, now the left side is waking up!

08, 30c, 00:xx:xx


Both ears ringing, usually it is only my right ear ringing, but now it is both. A high pitched ring like a buzzing, and occasionally a lower throb underneath it, 9.30pm.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Sensation like a balancing between the ears, before mainly had right sided ear stuff, now a balance between the two.

08, 30c, 11:xx:xx

Burning throat became whole throat, moved to both sides, was worse on left before.

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Woke with sciatica, same sensation as usual, but was on right side where it is usually on the left side, and normally doesn’t last this long either.

10, 30c, 17:xx:xx

Waking, on,

Bit headachey in mornings on waking.  Ache in forehead, which moves around in the forehead, like a deep tiredness headache.  Would come and go, fleeting moments of it, changeable.

03, 200c, 26:xx:xx

Woke with a slight headache, which lasted 10 minutes – frontal, right side ache from neck.

08, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Headache in temples and brow on waking.

08, 30c, 04:xx:xx

Flu bad on waking, better during day, worse at night.

06, 1M, xx:xx:xx

Woke feeling tired and heady, felt maybe I was coming down with something.  Touch of a sore throat.  Better as day progressed.

10, 30c, 14, 16:xx:xx

Woke sneezing my head off. 

11, 30c, 07:xx:xx

Woke sneezing again, though less than yesterday.  Still snotty but throat better.

11, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Woke with sore, raw, swollen throat, difficult to swallow.

06, 1M, 04, 09, 28:xx:xx;

Woke with catarrh in throat, felt I was choking, and stomach wanted to get rid of it and be sick.  Clearing back of throat.

08, 30c, 08:xx:xx

Throat ache, blocked and swollen throat in morning.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Woke with dull aching stomach pain below breastbone, which continued all day, got a bit better in the afternoon, and then worse again after dinner.

06, 1M, 15:xx:xx

Woke feeling tight in centre to left of chest again.  Gettting paranoid about it.

10, 30c, 18:xx:xx

On waking, ants had infested my bedside table.  This has never happened before.

On waking, an image before my eyes of a golden yellow, glowing flower.

01, 6c, 00:03:50



Connections with my dreams of yesterday – a lady who does angel workshops came in and she had angel wings on her t shirt (like the badge in my dream.  A client told me to speak clearly because of my accent (like other dream where they could hear traces of England).  Felt like I was in the right place, a confirmation that I’m doing the right thing.

08, 30c, 05:xx:xx

Forcing eyes open in a dream to realise I am dreaming, asleep.  Consciousness of dreaming.  Then wake up into the next dream.

08, 30c, 14:xx:xx

More prevalent dreams lately.  Dreamt of seeing my older brother (who I haven’t heard from in years).

After the dream I rang him, made contact.  After conversation knew I didn’t really want to talk to him for another 5 years, was more just a basic interest ‘is he dead of alive?’  Me being the middle child always the one to make contact with two brothers even though don’t have much in common.

09, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Had a dream and I wanted to stay in the dream and not wake up.

10, 30c, 13:xx:xx

Bizarre, vivid dreams.  Had intense dreams, but kept forgetting them on waking.  Would remember a little bit, then when trying to think of it they would disappear, get little flashes during the day.  Very colourful dreams.

11, 30c, xx:xx:xx

Shadow, secretive

In an institution type place, someone I knew had a boyfriend in there who was crazy, and I went to see him to see why they liked him.  The crazy person was in a baby pen and was very strange – evil, manipulative, devil, though good looking, blonde.  The reason why she liked him was because he had a big dick, sexual reasons.  Woke with a yucky feeling.

Institutions again – mental institution, hospital, religion.

02, 6c, 01:xx:xx

Dreamt that after work hours I went back into the building with about ten other staff and we talked about this way to make a lot of money.  The company was Santos.  We had to be very discreet and not be seen while leaving the building.  The way it worked was that if you bought pasta for example, part of that would be automatically transferred into your bank account.  I remember slipping over in the building and leaving a fingerprint, so I rubbed it out of the floor (something had spilt).  When I left I walked into a toilet of a big mall and discovered a secret door where there were three tattooed and semi naked women.  Then a man with a rough face and dark long hair arrived and told me to get out because he lived there.

Interpretation:  discovering something hidden, doing illegal things. 

06, 1M, 13:xx:xx (first time)

Nature vs society

Dreamt I was in a jeep with other people in a mountain area.  As we drove down a dirt road, there was a road nearby where huge semitrailers were roaring at about 180km per hour down a steep hill racing each other.  We then came across snow on the road and I told the driver to slow down, he did.  We came to big goannas and huge wedgetail eagles near the road.  We stopped to look.  We got to a mountain peak with snow, like pigeon house mountain.

06, 1M, 32:xx:xx

Dreamt of a street where I was staying in China, and they kept cutting down trees because they were afraid people would start having affairs (ie. Too ‘wild’ with big trees and nature would make them act like animals).  I kept asking them to stop.  Then I was in New Zealand, and this girl and I were by the beach.  She warned me there was some big waves coming because she looked at the sand, and then I heard a huge bang, a loud thud, and the wave broke.  I ran away, not far enough, and then realised I was in bed with her and the water had splashed on top of the blanket.

Interpretation:  society’s collective fear of nature causing them to try and overcome it (cut trees down).  Then a more personal fear of nature, being overcome by it, but a girl in tune with nature could tell what was coming and warned me, so I ran, but then realised that I am part of nature (in bed with nature girl).

06, 1M, 37:xx:xx


Dream - I am walking through a city that I don’t know.  My ex husband is there and needs to go somewhere.  He asks me to look for Morris Robertson(?) or Robert Morrison.  I can’t find him but I walk into a shop.  The woman in the shop wears white.  She tells me not to go back to my ex.  She does a reading for me and tells me to marry her brother.  Then he walks in.  There is an instant attraction and we have a laugh and a bit of a wrestle in fun.  Then I find myself in a circus tent.  It is almost empty inside beside some cloths on the floor.  I find myself there with a boy and a man.  And again we have fun and a wrestle on the floor cover.

11, 30c, 09:xx:xx

Dream, me and my partner were at a party having sex in the middle of a crowd of people, and it was the second time we’d done it.  We had our clothes on.  Then I said ‘we should go somewhere private’, so we walk along still having sex, and go into a caravan.  Then my partner changes his mind and gets cranky.  He walked out, and I followed him to the car, he gets in the back seat and is laying down sulking, and this is my cue to drive home.  We drove through all these different people – happy, sad etc, then through a really dingy abusive environment to get home.  We got somewhere and he didn’t want to talk to me and was angry, and I couldn’t understand why he was so angry.  I surrendered to his mood and going through the stages, even through abuse, just kept going round them, stayed pretty calm though I was worried.

10, 30c, 28:xx:xx



Dream where someone was telling me they could still hear the traces of northern England in my speech.  I was travelling in a car through a beautiful green country area.  There were apples for sale at side of the road.  I realised that the ‘bushes’ I could see on the hillsides were actually apple trees.  I said I understood why so many English people enjoyed living there, especially with the climate.

08, 30c, 03:xx:xx

Dream – I am with an old friend I don’t see anymore from the UK.  We are walking out of a park, she is behind us, she is walking strangely.  I realise her legs are going all over the place as if no muscles or tendons, and two people are helping her get to their car.  I can’t understand why she doesn’t get into our car and come with us, we are going to the same house.  I realise we aren’t helping her, she likes the attention.

 Get back to the house and realise she has been living with us, I feel a bit guilty because I haven’t been taking care of her.  She tells me she has found somewhere else and she is taking her things and moving out.  I think I’m meant to feel guilty or bad about it but I don’t.

 I’m outside a huge barn style house.  My two daughters with children are inside with someone I don’t like much.  I push the door, it is locked.  They seem to be quiet and watching a movie.  I have to knock.  One of them opens the door to me.  I have my slipper boots in my hand which need drying in front of their fire.  I realise there is no fire, lots of pairs of my shoes are laid in the fire grate and there are flames but no coals or anything.  I am resentful because I find my shoes smouldering and noone is taking any notice of them.

08, 30c, 12:xx:xx

Dream – I stood at a counter watching an American chef doing a cooking demonstration.  I missed the start so I’m not sure what he’s cooking.  It’s a batter or cake mix, he talks loud and fast so I can’t ask.  Other people come to watch and I lose my place.  I remember I have left my purse on the floor and people have hidden it with their things.  I retrieve it.  When I look the chef is frying something, I think he’s making doughnuts, and he is throwing mixture about.  It’s on his face.  I decide to leave. 

In a store with beautiful things.  I’m looking and suddenly see ……… Wall.  She’s still beautiful, hasn’t seen me and I want to talk to her.  She passes me and starts to talk to someone else.  I go to speak to her and realise my eyes are closed and I can’t open them.  I force them open to realise I’m dreaming, asleep.  I think I wake up into my next dream.  I’m in a room, which is a doctor’s surgery or clinic.  I have my own room.  The floor is slippery as I walk to it and I fall down.  I’m laughing when three or four men in suits with briefcases walk in.  They act very official and I don’t like their energy.  I notice a door and it has a carved coat hanger hanging over it.  It’s very unusual.

 Sitting in a place and a woman is talking about how many café’s she owns.  I want to ask just how many houses and café’s she does own.  We are sitting at a table in a café and she is asking me to tell this man about the things I’m doing.  He is very dismissive about it all, disapproving almost and says it won’t get me anywhere doing what I’m doing, he would not do it!  Whilst in the café dream, I’m handed a package, I open it and it’s a beautiful tart, like a fruit type, its from the American chef, he sent it because I wasn’t there and missed the tasting from his demonstration.  It wasn’t doughnuts after all!

 I go outside, a city landscape.  A woman is standing looking and says a huge fire is burning somewhere.  I look and thick black smoke is blocking the sky.  I can’t tell where it’s coming from

 I find myself in an open flat landscape.  As I walk forward I notice on the skyline all around are volcanoes.  The colours are amazing and they are all active, smoke filling the air.  All around me on the horizon are active volcanoes.  I’m trying to get to the house where they (?) are waiting for me.  I suddenly know that I’m going to be hit by a powerful violent wind coming from the volcanoes and I wonder if I can stay on feet instead of being blown away by the force of it.  I know its blowing everything else away.  It engulfs me and I wake.

08, 30c, 14:xx:xx

Dream - I am at a party.  I am flirting with Eddy Mercury ( not Freddy) and he was not gay.  We were with a group of people, some were my ancestors and some were unknown to me.  There were some children over the age of 10.  The accommodation was bothersome - the sink was too high, water was running in my sleeve.  I complained, I was in a hurry and needed to be in town at 8am.  A girl got a lift with her father in a flying teepee.  There was a younger child inside the teepee and a dog.  I hopped in and saw that the bottom layer of the teepee was bricked.  Bizarre.  I thought it could not fly but it did.  The teepee rocked around when it flew but we did not roll from side to side.  I was amazed.  I assume I came to town on time, but can’t remember that bit.

11, 30c, 01:xx:xx

Can’t remember the dream, but I was looking for something.

11, 30c, 02:xx:xx

Dream - I was in the lounge room when my children called me out.  There were lots of birds in the trees.  Most amazing colourings, from rainbow lorikeets to whatever colours.  One particular type was grey with rings around the chest and neck.  They were females.  My mother was lying on her bed, I called her out to look at them.  It was wonderful.

  We were in a shop next to the grain and seed shop.  I had a small child on my arm.  There were tubes of lollies on top of a box on the wall.  We chose a tube, something happened, an offer or something to do with colours and rolls of fantastic coloured material “awesome”.  In the end we chose a roll of couch lollies but some tubes rolled off.  We put them back and were very happy.

11, 30c, 08:xx:xx 


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